Fish Pro

Each Gram contains-
Lactic acid bacillus 1.5 billion cfu, Bacillus licheniformis 0.5 billion cfu, Lactobacillus acidophilis 0.5 billion cfu, Bacillus cereus 0.3 billion cfu, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 0.5 billion cfu, Aspergillus oryzae 0.3 billion, Saccharomyces spp. 0.5 billion, B-glucan 30 mg, MOS & FOS: 15 mg, Vitamin A: 3.5 mg, Vitamin B6: 2.5 mg, Vitamin C: 20 mg, Sorbitol: 3 mg, Amylase: 2 mg, Protease: 5 mg, Phytase: 500 IU, Cellulase: 2 mg, Lipase: 2 mg, Antioxidant: 1mg, Dextrose, Fish Attractant Flavour

Usage: Improves feed intake & digestion, improve Immunity, compete for binding sites with harmful pathogenic bacteria and eliminate them, maintain proper gut health and help to grow fast.

Pack Size: 250 gm & 500 gm Jar.

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