Acidfeed EGP-L (Oral Solution)

Composition: Each 1 ml ACIDFEED EGP-L contains,

Citric Acid                           30 mg

Formic Acid                        35 mg

Lactic Acid                          25 mg

DL-Malic Acid                    20 mg

Propionic Acid                   10 mg

Sodium Butyrate              150 mg


    • Maintain an optimal pH level in the digestive tract
    • Supports a healthy balance of gut microflora
    • Enhance digestion and nutrient absorption
    • Control and reduce the proliferation of harmful bacteria and pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract
    • Enhance the utilization of nutrients
    • Reduce Stress
    • Improve feed palatability
    • Antimicrobial benefits

Pack Size:
1 L, 5 L, 25 L, 200 L & 1000 L

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