
Each Kg contains,
Bacillus subtilis 10 billion cfu
Bacillus licheniformis 10 billion cfu
Bacillus polymyza 10 billion cfu
Nitrosomonas 10 billion cfu
Nitrobactor 10 billion cfu
Rodobacter 10 billion cfu
Bacillus megaterium 10 billion cfu
Lactobacillus lactis 10 billion cfu
Yucca Extact 5%
SiO2-35%, Al2O3-30%, Fe2O3-3%, MgO-0.6%, TiO2-1-2%
Xylanase, Amylase, Protease, Cellulase, Phytase, Betaglucanase, Lipase.

Usage: Increase the number of good microorganisms, remove organic matter from pond bottom, improve water quality, maintain optimum dissolved oxygen level and ensure desire fish growth.

Pack Size: 5 Kg

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