
Each 1kg. contains-
Bio active chromium 65 mg
Calcium 240 gm
Phosphorus 120 gm
Magnesium 2.11 gm
Zinc 2.13 gm
Copper 312 mg
Cobalt 45mg
Iron 1000 mg
lodine 160 mg
DL-Methionine 2 gm
L-Lysine 4.00 gm
Protein hydrolysate 4.00 gm

Provides essential minerals to improve growth and performance,Ensures higher fertility and conception rate Improves immunity and disease resistance, Helps for faster recovery from liness, Improves milk production and milk fat
contentand maintains for longer period Improves growth and body weigh in young growing animals, Most suitable in the conditions like advanced pregnancy, repeat breeding, delayed sexual maturity etc.

Pack Size: 200 gm & 1kg

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