Oxyba vet (Oral Powder)


Each gm contains :

Oxytetracycline Dihydrate BP 200 mg


Indication :

The Oxyba Vet oral powder is designed to effectively treat and manage conditions caused by oxytetracycline susceptible organisms. It targets a broad spectrum of bacteria, including both Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains, as well as mycoplasma, rickettsiae, and certain pathogenic fungi. Below are specific indications for various animals:

For cattle, buffalo, horse, sheep, goat, dog, cat, and poultry, the Oxyba Vet bolus is recommended for the treatment of:

1. Anthrax
2. Mastitis
3. Haemorrhagic septicaemia
4. Pyometra
5. Black quarter
6. Metritis
7. Malignant Oedema
8. Pneumonia
9. Brucellosis
10. Dehorning
11. Pyelonephritis
12. Cuts
13. Burns
14. Wounds
15. Calf scour
16. Castration
17. Diarrhoea
18. Actinomycosis
19. Infectious enteritis
20. Anaplasmosis
21. Naval ill
22. Abscess
23. Coccidiosis
24. Foot-rot
25. Calf diphtheria
Secondary bacterial infections in FMD
This comprehensive list demonstrates the versatility and effectiveness of the Oxyba Vet oral powder in addressing a wide range of bacterial and fungal infections in various animal species.


Pack Size: 10×100 gm

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